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News & Tips

5 Apps for more Relaxation & better Performance


Synctuition is a meditation app that utilizes 3D sound innovation to invigorate the cerebrum and empower profound unwinding.


Insight Timer

Insight Timer is a meditation app that features an extensive free meditation library. The easy-to-navigate app is good for beginners and great for advanced students of meditation. Insight Timer also has live events like yoga, mood tracking, private mentoring, and workshops available.



Learn about your drivers for basically any action or non-action you take in your life. Breakthrough is a free app with a digital library to access high level personal and professional development programs.


Tapping Solutions

The purpose of the Tapping Solution App is to reduce your stress & anxiety with EFT tapping. Lower your stress levels, reduce anxiety, overcome fears, relieve pain, get better sleep, and much more.

How to Stop Overthinking

1. Identify your destructive thought patterns - Recognize automatic negative thoughts


2. Manage your story - Consider other viewpoints & acknowledge your successes


3. Let go of the past - Practice self-compassion


4. Live in the moment - Stay present and find a distraction or take a deep breath


5. Take control of your emotions - Meditate


6. Focus on solutions - Step back and look at how you’re responding & take action


7. Know the difference between fear and intuition – Learn the difference between both emotions & embrace your fears


8. Ask yourself the right questions - Look at the bigger picture & focus on solution-oriented questions that are proactive


9. Get the right tools - ask for help

Power Poses

Power posing became popular after Amy Cuddy told a TED audience about her research which indicated that when people assume an open or expansive stance (make themselves appear taller and wider), they subsequently feel more powerful. In her studies, Cuddy, along with colleagues, had participants assume either an expansive posture or a contractive posture (leaning inward, legs crossed) for a couple of minutes prior to completing tasks. The researchers found that after adopting an expansive pose, study participants felt more powerful, took more risk in a gambling task and performed better in a mock interview than those who had adopted contracted poses.


Research on power poses reveals whether they work or not (

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